Durante la creación de Toy Story, Jobs, principal accionista de Pixar, tuvo esta conversación con John Lasseter, Director creativo de Pixar.
“John, you know at Apple when I make computers, what is the lifespan of this product, two years, three years at the most, and then about five years, they’re like a doorstop. But if you do your job right, these films can last forever.” I was amazed by that statement, and I was humbled by it too. Then I started thinking … name another movie from 1938 that is watched year in and year out as much as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”
Los grandes proyectos y grandes acciones sobreviven al tiempo.
Para reflexionar...
Otras frases memorables de la entrevista:
- "I remember Ken O’Connor, our layout teacher, had this very dry Australian humor. He said, “I’m not the teacher, I will just tell you what I think you need to know.”
- "Art challenges technology, technology inspires the art".